Tuesday 29 May 2012

#20 papillon

It has almost been two months since my last post as I have been in a blogging rut but I have decided that I had to post something and it just so happens that I have something pretty cool to blog about.

After submitting a second film for my final project of my first year (based on David Lynch's work), my tutor Ivana Bobic, who has directed some amazing films asked if I wanted to edit a film for her friends who are DJ Duo, Papillon (French for butterfly if you didn't know). Feeling extremely excited, I immediately said yes and thought it would be such an amazing thing to do. After sending the email, panic set in; but I have only ever made one and a half films before and this has got to be good and what if it's not?!

So anyway, I was given the brief, the footage and music and got straight to work. A few days later and this is the final result - what do you think?!

You should definitely check Papillon out, they're incredible and also, get down to The Moustache Bar on 16th June from 8pm to see them and a few others play.

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